Veterinarian Training Survey

Includes full time, part-time, per-diem/relief etc. If not currently working, please just write "N/A"

Includes full time, part-time, per-diem/relief etc. If not currently working, please just write "N/A"

Please select the option that best describes your current professional situation.

Please select the option that best describes your current professional situation.

How often do you regularly perform at least five spay/neuter surgeries?

How many spay/neuters (in an equal mixture of species and gender) do you feel comfortable performing in a six-hour surgery block? Assuming someone else is prepping and inducing for you and there is minimal wait time between patients.

Check all that apply.

There are no judgements around these questions. This is an opportunity for us to collect responses on this hot button issue from the field as a whole along with the reasoning behind those responses. We value your opinion and your honesty.

This answer should be guided by your personal opinion and not by policy in your place of work, unless they are one in the same.

This answer should be guided by your personal opinion and not by policy in your place of work, unless they are one in the same.

These responses will help us build content and send out information that is valuable to you. Check all that apply.